The Power of Community

NIpek Celik
2 min readMay 31, 2024

Successful projects that have targeted the top with the market caps you see on this poster are pioneering projects that follow an innovative, technology-leading and sustainable line.

What they have in common is their loyal community. These community Hubs formed by people who believe in the #DAOLabs social mining phenomenon are continuous sources of support and motivation for the growth of their projects.

What is #SocialMining: The social mining phenomenon is based on the idea that projects reward community members for contributing to organizational growth through a DAO structure framed by a merit-based system. It is a DAO governance solution that promotes fair management of an organization’s community and network and quality content improvement.

A social mining solution encourages as decentralized content curation as possible. It encourages staking and holder behavior, thus encouraging loyalty. It ensures that the community is made up of informed and loyal members. This solves 2 important dilemmas for projects: volatility and intense token sales. It also paves the way for a startup project to spread the token to a broad community.

Project communities built by social miners, driven by SaaS :
1 — They have significant knowledge about their projects. They are informed about scanning resources and writing articles on technical and project products.
2- They form the first small investor mass of the project with soft staking.
3- They tend to hold the project tokens that they have acquired through their loyalty and LABOR by following the projects over the long term.
4- They constantly flow information with the Twitter program and team tasks. They produce organic, sincere, and remarkable visuals and content because they are rewarded more for their valuable content.

Let’s look at the results.

Today, DAO Labs’ social miners are building communities and producing content for Avalanche (AVAX), Polygon (MATIC), Kava, Telegram (TON), WAX (WAXP) and their Hubs.

Among these companies, the Avalanche project had its first community of social miners before 2020, and today, its community continues to be governed by social mining principles.

Let me share a few reference statistics for those who want to study DAOLabs and its ecosystem.

We represent the pioneers who were the first to believe in blockchain technology. We all have the common goal of contributing to the mass adoption of cryptocurrency, which is suitable for building a fairer financial system.

With the strength of this community dedicated to blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, projects that look to the future will, of course, become the stars of the future bull.!

See you on the moon…



NIpek Celik

I am a content writer. I believe that Blockchain technology will play an important role in the future of humanity to live more fair, equal, and free.