Letter to Santa Daolabs

NIpek Celik
4 min readDec 19, 2022


December 19, 2022

Dear DAOLabs

As a child, I believed in Santa Claus just like everyone else, and I live in a country where the majority is Muslim. Therefore, Christmas has very different meanings than Christian traditions or religious rituals. But Christmas has an ordinary meaning for people of all religions worldwide. Christmas carries peace and happiness for all the people of the world. And, like every new thing, it gives us all hope.

Dear DAOLabs, you are like a New Year’s celebration for us too. Our Santa 😊 We are a vast family with friends worldwide. Our curiosity about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, the future currency, brings us together. And, of course, our belief in the idea of social mining for the adoption, awareness and stability needed in the crypto market. You are the architects of this faith. By creating new solutions to crowdfunding, you have allowed small investors to get involved in significant investments. You have created new job opportunities for people who believe in the blockchain spirit with their knowledge, skills and efforts.

I’m a geomorphologist. I quit my job five years ago to care for my mother with Alzheimer’s. It is excruciating to watch a person you love move away from you a little more daily. First, she forgets the environment and the time she lives in. Then your mother forgets about you, about herself and, finally, about food. It was in such a process that I got to know social mining.

At first, I was pretty shy; I couldn’t chat with the other users. I just used to read. Then I started writing about projects, leading me to project communities. The feeling of belonging is an essential feeling for people. Most of you, I love for this very reason. The positive energy directed towards a common goal in the hubs where hundreds of people work will include you quickly. Now you become a part of a community, and you walk with them toward the same goal. And these efforts of yours turn into rewards that make you very happy.

I used to say I was a geomorphologist or a teacher to those who asked me what job I had done before. But now, when describing myself, I proudly say that “I am a Social Miner”. You have allowed me to work for the blockchain revolution I believe in. You opened the doors of another home. It was like Alice in wonderland. I have learned a lot while creating value and growing a community for dozens of projects such as Elrond and Avax. I learned to use Photoshop, produce infographics, collect and write my thoughts, and, most of all, fit a life story with 280 characters into a Twitter post!

As my competence as a social miner increased, I learned to share this with the people around me. I learned to manage my new friends. I have embraced a considerable family, especially in the Turkish community. With my friends, with whom I have been walking the same path for almost five years, we are building new communities and watching the growth of the seedlings we have planted with hope.

In recent months, I have been flying with my wings from time to time and creating hubs for Turkish projects that I believe in. We are building new communities with our master social miner friends, adding our labor and talent to the projects we believe in. But I will never forget the social mining that gave me these wings.

I can look at the future of humanity with more hope today, not only my future. In that case, it is thanks to social mining, which has made people’s happiness the basic principle of its philosophy. I am grateful to the social mining theorists who suggest the participation of large masses as a solution for cryptocurrency adoption.

I share your dream and want a more equal, fairer world.

By the way, I no longer believe in Santa Claus but in the universe, and I send my wishes to the universe. But if I still thought, I would say precisely like this:

You’ve already been my Santa Claus for five years. I want to end this long letter by saying Regards DAOLabs, and Santa Alex, for whom I ask for something every day, and I always get a polite response. Regards to you too, dear leader.

PS: Do I need to write what I’m waiting for under the Christmas tree? First of all, the name I love is $LABOR.

With My Love




NIpek Celik

I am a content writer. I believe that Blockchain technology will play an important role in the future of humanity to live more fair, equal, and free.