Hello WAXHub!

NIpek Celik
6 min readMar 27, 2023


Although being a pioneer in a field creates an environment full of excitement and mystery, the sense of adventure towards the unknown contains many risks. The blockchain space also exemplifies this. Although some of you may think that everyone knows bitcoin now, we are far from the mass adoption of blockchain. We should increase awareness about the Blockchain technology revolution and cryptocurrency. During these studies, your friends may not understand you. As with every revolutionary breakthrough, there is even a possibility that you will be lynched. However, we must continue to work as one of the pioneers of the blockchain field. This is our way of living. We live in a cross-border blockchain country that covers the whole world. And we continue to walk into the future with a new project or development discovered daily.
March 14 was added to our notes as a date that my friends and I will most likely remember. March 14 was the first day we heard about WAXHub.

Like many new members of WAXHub, I am a social miner, and like many of us, I say, I am a blockchain enthusiastwhen describing myself.
And as a member of the DAOLabs family, my motto is
We have a dream!

I remember this article as the first invitation I read about wax_io. It contains a very cheerful call for cooperation. At almost the same time, I saw the announcement of WAXHub’s soft launch on DAOLABS’ global chat and read the article published on the DAOLabs blog. If you look at the article, There were definitions of WAXHub that caught my attention a lot. The article emphasized the importance of community, and our goals was very similar. But the real surprise came when I became a member of WAXHub.

There were level 1 tasks that quickly drew you into the wax project. I will be able to see the level 2 tasks later. Here is the mystery for you! The task turned into a game. An actual marathon has begun.
- I quickly registered my social media accounts.
- I have completed the tasks of following Twitter and joining discord groups.
- I reviewed the WAX_io site and created a WAX Cloud Wallet.
And the next thing I noticed,
- I had bought my first NFT on the NFT Markets!

I want to repeat this; this is the first NFT I purchased! WAX AtomicHub is a great seller, and I bought a great blue butterfly from them.

One of the most beautiful and shortest-lived creatures on Earth, she was dancing in the air with all her elegance. This beautiful butterfly had become immortal in the digital world. I must stop; that’s not what I wanted to say! I have created a WAX Cloud blockchain wallet I have never used. I have transferred WAXP to my wallet, and from WAX_io’s NFT Markets, I went to the atomichub market, fell in love with a butterfly that a friend suggested and bought it.

All this happened in minutes! The incredibly user-friendly wallet is the atomichub application, which has an interface you manage with keys that never tire you out. Even when buying books on the Internet, you do many more transactions. The system created in the WAX ecosystem is extraordinary.

For the first time, I saw that smart contracts could be really smart and very polite sellers.

I have been closely monitoring the blockchain space for five years; I have tested the dapps of several projects, used their wallets, and made transactions on their networks. I have never come across such a user-friendly application. Wax-io surprised me.

Let me list the answers I found to the question of why I haven’t known it so far,
* Firstly, NFT, i.e. non-fungible tokens, should be used as evidence of what is the only one, such as title deed registration or copyright, rather than their artistic function. Therefore, I had no NFT collection except as a prize or gift.
* I found my answer in the WAX Protocol White paper. WAX, which has existed in the field since 2017 and was updated as the WAX Protocol in 2019, is an EOS ecosystem project dedicated to digital product trading!

The Bitcoin blockchain has a long consensus process, and Ethereum’s giant leap with smart contracts has taken the technology to the top. Due to the increased number of projects connected to the Ethereum network, the abnormal increase in gas fees, in response to the decrease in scaling, led to the production of different solutions such as EOS and Stellar. During the difficult years of 2018–2019, network projects continued to develop as an alternative to Ethereum. Ex:MultiverX. Scaling has been increased with POS systems and shards rather than layer2 solutions . Or layer1 networks with alternative consensus solutions, such as Avalanche, shone. This trend has also left projects such as WAX, which are included in the EOS ecosystem, off my radar.

But now I see that WAX Protocol has fundamental values that not only those outside the field but also those inside the blockchain field should realisation.

— First of all, the exit point is excellent. Let me use their definitions,
WAX is a protocol chain dedicated to digital goods, and video games are the gateway to the mass adoption of blockchain technology
There are 2.3 billion players worldwide; they spend $ 140 billion a year. Marketing the NFT of in-game items to these players means getting millions of people to adopt blockchain quickly.
— Secondly, the system he installed works very well; it’s fast and cheap.
We need to tell this to the blockchain field!”
— Thirdly, I would like to tell you about the first community members I met, from the CEO of WAXHUB to the community administrator.

Let me start with the CEO, William E. Quigley is one of the founders of USDT, the essential stable coin of the crypto market. Despite the significant problems we have experienced with stablecoins recently, USDT is still the vital medium of exchange on all exchanges.
The project, which is very active in the NFT market, always keeps the market alive. WAXHub, which sold me NFT in the first-level tasks, gave me an NFT promotion task in my avatar in the second-level tasks. In my 2nd NFT search, I met WafflesKitty Dygycon Cats, another passion of mine. They’re very free-spirited. And I bought my second NFT.

@thewaffleskitty caught my interest and replied to my Twitter message. Here is a behaviour that will make you a fan…

And, of course, the legendary Operations Manager Tommy, whose name is the subject of articles by all my friends that I can’t pass him by without writing. We submit our tasks, and they are approved within a few hours. We are very pleased with the speed of work on Twitter and the platform. Don’t be misunderstood; our biggest hero is our beloved leader Alexis, who has been tirelessly answering all kinds of questions for months.
However, I must announce that a new hero has come to town…

Thank you for reading!
By: ipek

I want to share WAX_io’ Social Media with you




NIpek Celik

I am a content writer. I believe that Blockchain technology will play an important role in the future of humanity to live more fair, equal, and free.