DAO Maker and Evolution Finance

NIpek Celik
3 min readJan 24, 2021

I can already guess how exciting the coming months will be. We have all witnessed how positive the DAOMaker Social Mining software has made in many projects until today. When you join the community of a project, you are now part of the team. Therefore, creating a community in new generation projects is almost the key to the project’s growth in many ways.
My intention in writing this article is not to explain DAOMaker’s community-building capabilities. I have a much more exciting goal. An event that we have been waiting for is happening for quite some time. Our project now has its token. DAO Token. The year 2021 has brought many exciting innovations for us.
With the DAO Token, a rapidly growing ecosystem began to develop around our project. New tokens are coming to our reward vault for cooperation with various projects. Almost every day, we wake up with new development.
I want to talk about a strategic partnership that excites me the most about these developments and constitutes our future vision’s basic framework. When our community read this introductory sentence, they immediately understood that I was talking about the Evolution Finance project.
Blockchain technology is a new technology every day, and new development is entering our lives. Evolution Finance, powered by DAO Maker and Ferrum Network, is an entirely game-changing breakthrough. It is a platform that will make significant contributions to the DeFi projects we know so far.

Evolution Finance Platform features:

Its most important feature is that it expands the boundaries of the DeFi platforms we have seen so far 10x times. Evolution Finans will enable the first 50 digital assets to join the lending platform in addition to the Ethereum tokens we are used to in the DeFi platform. How? With the technological support of RenVM. Renprotocol is a platform that works on the integration of different networks. The Ren Virtual Machine enables the integration of tokens of varying blockchain networks into the ERC-20 format. This a revolution.
Another revolutionary feature of Evolution Finance for me is the fair distribution feature. The utility token EVN of the project will be minted in only 300,000 copies, and all of them will provide liquidity to Uniswap pools. In other words, there is neither a team nor an advisory group that takes at least 50%, nor foundation management. The entire supply will be given to the crypto market at the same time.
DAO Maker will provide community development of the project.

In summary:

Evolution Finance’s EVN token caught our attention when the DAO Maker managed to become the first token in the prize vault. When we reviewed, we found that the project had very important claims. The fact that a business creates a deflationary policy at the expense of loss shows that we are facing a team with visions other than profit. It is believed that EVN will grow fast since there is no team that wants a share in the future. Not just EVNY tokens in daomaker’s future, of course. Very soon they are there with dteams, Ventura bonds, and risky investments that are personally directed at retail. we hear that a stock sale is possible to support projects. In short, every new day we will see new opportunities and new investment opportunities. And you will see many revolutionary innovations such as Venture Bonds for venture capital and governance by Stakers, And of course dTeams…

By: N.ipek Celik


https://blockstern.io/evolution-finance-improved-liquidity-will-change-defi/ By: Alex Schaefer |DAO Maker


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NIpek Celik

I am a content writer. I believe that Blockchain technology will play an important role in the future of humanity to live more fair, equal, and free.