Becoming A Member Of Elrond Community:

NIpek Celik
5 min readNov 9, 2019


“Merhaba” my comrades who believe in the Elrond project. I Believe in Elrond it was a personal story about my faith in the Elrond project. I published it last week.

How did Elrond get my attention, and how did I become a member of the community?

I heard the name Elrond Network from a friend who was a member of the community before me. I read that some of the friends I followed on Twitter shared it. I visited Elrond com’s site. It was Elrond’s Medium-Blog articles that really caught my attention. In one of these articles, he said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” there was writing. Those words affected me deeply.
Daniel Serb’s article had a “we need you” banner. The banner was very striking. The banner seemed to invite me.

My first look at Blockchain projects is the team page of the projects. I was impressed when I reviewed the Elrond core team. The people who made up the team had very brilliant careers. The 19 intelligent men and, more importantly, an expert in their work were working with all their might for the Elrond project. The more I read about the project, the more I became interested. They wrote the Elrond network from scratch. The claim was huge. They were talking about 10,000 TPS of speed on scaling. They were talking about PoS evidence that the Ethereum network has been trying to reach for almost two years, adapters that can integrate data from all networks, and the Elrond Virtual Machine. It was, in short, “rebuilding the internet,” as Dan Voicu put it. And the Samsung news exploded like a bombshell. It was proof that I was in the right place. Shortly, My reason for joining the community was not the community, but the project itself.Shortly, My reason for joining the community was not the community, but the project itself. Because until today, we were working on projects through bounty managers, and Elrond community didn’t mean anything to me at first. However, when I started working, some administrators can set up almost 24 hours contact on telegram channels. Every job you do is monitored. Flash campaigns guide you, and the successful tasks are rewarded. You get your Awards on time. One of the most important elements that increase my motivation is the incredible performances of the team members. They are very hardworking, very believing, very successful. Their positive energy passes to us, and we own the project.

The role of the community in the long term and working more effectively:

A CEO who knows his job, Head of communication, in short, the PR department of the project knows the following facts about the community. If you have an active community that believes in the project;

1. So you found the most loyal clientele. They invest in your project when they get the opportunity.

2. If your opponents start a smear campaign for your project, they will see a large group of people who believe in the strength of your community. The community is your Guardian Knights.

3. If you have a product or a service to test in your project, you have found the most rigorous helpers. (Hooray for crypto bubbles))

4. If you are looking for someone to work for your project, you have a big community of people of all ages, professions, and a wide range of talents who believe in you. Moreover, you have above-average knowledge of working disciplines and work capacities.

5. I think the most important thing is that if you were able to create a community that believed in you, they would raise your crypto money. The future of a project will undoubtedly depend on the number of tokens hodl has. As the number of tokens circulating in the market decreases, the selling pressure on the price disappears. So what needs to be done for the future is to encourage the rate of ERD Hodl.


  • Some of my friends will be angry with me, but I have to write what I find right for our community. A sense of ownership is a fundamental motivation. So I believe community members should do ERD hodl to get involved in the promotional activity. While this is a symbolic amount, your motivation to work for the ERDs you keep in your wallet will be higher.
  • It may be considered to sell discounted ERD to the community to increase the amount of wallet that has ERD on the network or even to increase the amount of node. (These ERDs can be added as a condition to be locked up to a specific date in order not to be sold.)
  • Community members should be encouraged to HODL award ERD. For example, the amount of hodl can also be added to reward accounts at a specific rate.
  • More frequent engagement of the Elrond core team with the community at events such as the online telegram “but “increases the number of loyal members. If there are rewards for “but “questions, people can be encouraged to read blogs and original question makers. The project details can also be highlighted by opening a short quiz channel where the members of the community are received and with symbolic awards.
  • A dedicated chat channel can be created with an invite to identify active members of the community and educate them about raising awareness.
  • Now I have to write about what should not be done in the future. I gained experience in other social mining activities. Promotional awards must be handed out manually and by team members. Giving upvote rights to members of the community who do Hodl may increase motivation. But the downvote authority should be in the administrators. Risks, such as the use of downvote against specific groups of countries or regions created by community members, can cause unwanted divisions within the Project Community.


I believe our community, which is trying to raise awareness around the world for the Elrond project, is on the right track. I believe that the Elrond core team has done its part correctly in this way. The most striking result of this is the Samsung victory. The Elrond Network did what dozens of good projects around us failed to do. There is no doubt of our community’s commitment and confidence in the project. As part of the Elrond ecosystem, the community should be encouraged to absolute hodl ERD. In the last sentence.

We must find a motto. And we have to stick it in the brains of every community member. “Mass psychology.”

Written By: ipek



NIpek Celik

I am a content writer. I believe that Blockchain technology will play an important role in the future of humanity to live more fair, equal, and free.